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Internet Acceptable Use Policy

Reviewed, amended, & approved, 6/19/00, amended 9/18/01, reviewed 9/16/02, amended 9/15/03, 9/20/04, reviewed 9/19/05, amended 1/16/06, reviewed 9/18/06, 9/17/07, 9/15/08, 9/21/09, amended 9/20/10, amended 10/17/11, amended 9/17/12, reviewed 9/16/13, amended 5/19/14, 6/15/15, reviewed 9/21/15, 9/19/16, amended 11/21/16, reviewed 9/18/17, amended 9/17/18, reviewed 9/16/19, 9/20/21, 9/19/22, amended 9/18/2023, reviewed 9/19/24


Public access to the Internet using in-house library equipment is available to responsible individuals who are willing to abide by the Internet Acceptable Use policy adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Delphi Public Library. This policy is posted in the library and is available online at  or from any library staff member.


Users must obtain from a library staff member a login ID and password to use the public computers. Both permanent logins and one-day guest passes are available. At login, an individual must click Accept to indicate that he or she has read the Internet Acceptable Use policy and agrees to abide by these rules.


  • I understand that parents or legal guardians, not the library or its staff, assume sole responsibility for their children’s use of the Internet at the library. Login IDs will be issued to children upon request without parental consent required. If a parent chooses to opt out of library computer use by his or her children, the parent may do so by informing a library staff member.


  • I understand that children under the age of 13 must use one of the Internet computers in the children’s area of the library and are prohibited from using the Internet computers in the adult area of the library unless accompanied by a parent or legal guardian who remains on the computer with the child.


  • I agree to use the library computers for lawful purposes in a responsible and courteous manner, consistent with the educational, informational, and recreational purposes for which they are provided.


  • I will not attempt to gain unauthorized access to the library’s computer systems and network; modify or damage hardware, software, or data that does not belong to me; or modify or gain access to files, passwords, or other data belonging to others.


  • I agree to follow all rules concerning limited computer time.


[At login, a user is given 30 minutes of Internet use, which is automatically extended for additional 30-minute (15 minutes on children’s computers) periods as long as there are no other users on the waiting list for a computer. When all computers are being used, and an individual signs onto the waiting list, an individual who has been using a computer for 30 minutes or more will be instructed automatically by the PC management system to log off and relinquish use of the computer to the next user. In the interest of serving all users, each individual using the adult computers or laptops is limited to four hours maximum computer use per day, regardless of how many are used and where they are used. Each individual using the children’s computers is limited to two hours maximum computer use per day. Users with a special need for extra time to complete school or work assignments or projects should make arrangements ahead of time with library staff.]


  • I agree to use only my own personal login ID and password to access the library’s computers.


  • I understand that the Internet may contain material of a controversial nature and that it is technically impossible for the library to monitor or prevent access to resources that may be inaccurate, defamatory, illegal, or potentially objectionable to some users.


[In compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), the library has installed filtering software designed to prevent access to material that may be harmful to minors.  However, users should be aware that filtering software may unintentionally block sites that have legitimate research value or fail to block objectionable content. Filtering software is not a substitute for parental involvement and oversight. In accordance with the law, persons aged 18 or older may request to have the filters disabled.]


  • I will not send, receive, or display sexually explicit materials or materials deemed harmful to minors. I also agree to use appropriate discretion when viewing materials.


[Although computer users are free to access any Internet sites they wish, the library must be mindful and respectful of the rights of other patrons not to be inadvertently exposed to material and images generally considered inappropriate for public display. The library also must comply with federal law regarding exposure to certain explicit images and materials. This restriction is in no way intended to limit viewing of images illustrating or text describing information intended for the education of users. If a library staff member discovers that inappropriate images or sites are being viewed, a message will be sent privately to the individual user via the PC management system. The user will be notified of the violation and immediately logged off of the computer. A record of violations will be maintained by staff so that repeat offenders may be identified.]


  • I understand that people online may misrepresent themselves, and I agree not to misrepresent myself as another person in emails, chat rooms, or other forms of direct electronic communication.


  • I agree not to disclose, use, or disseminate personal information regarding others without their permission.


  • I understand that the library does not warrant that its public computers will meet my specific needs or be error-free and without interruption. The library will not be liable for any direct or indirect, incidental, or consequential damages (including lost data or profits) sustained or incurred in connection with the use, operation, or inability to use the library’s computers.


  • I agree to wear headphones when listening to any sound files on library computers, to avoid disruption to other library users. This includes music files, games, sound attachments to emails, web sites with background sounds, or any other audible files or sites.


  • I agree to keep conversation in the computer area to a minimal level to avoid disruption to other users.


  • I understand that if I violate the terms of the Internet Acceptable Use policy I will forfeit computer privileges, at a minimum, for the rest of the day. Violations will be determined solely by the library staff. This suspension may be extended at the library staff’s discretion if I continue to break the rules.


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